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Headspace x Mattel: Mindfulness at Work



In this testimonial video for Headspace and Mattel, both brands come together to reflect on their harmonious journey through the eyes of Mattel's stakeholders. We learn how Headspace for Work has been pivotal in fostering a mindful work environment for Mattel from the mouths of employees themselves, and highlight the tangible benefits of their partnership, making a strong case for wellness as the foundation of creativity and productivity.

Client Goals

Headspace and Mattel wanted to spotlight their unique collaboration in this testimonial video. So our video production team got to work, and through strategic storytelling and mixing genuine custom interview footage with iconic brand elements from Mattel's owned content, told the tale of Mattel's endeavor to weave mindfulness into their work ethos with Headspace's innovative solutions and vividly displayed Mattel employees harnessing their creativity and well-being thank to the Headspace app.

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