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Siemens Xcelerator Evolution



Imagine if your brand could tell its story in a way that captures its evolution and promise at the same time. Four years ago, Siemens faced that very challenge: they had too many products and services across too many brands and subsidiaries. In this promo video, Siemens shares how their successful brand reinvention was all thanks to its Xcelerator open digital business platform, which offers prospective clients a marketplace, ecosystem, and vast portfolio of services under one core platform. But this video isn’t just about a platform; it’s about redefining a brand’s identity in the tech world.

Client Goals

Siemens, once unsure of their business identity, wanted to create a video that highlighted their digital pivot, with their new Xcelerator platform as the catalyst. The challenge was twofold: spotlight the various products and services under Xcelerator and reposition Siemens as a pioneering tech company. Through strategic storytelling and content curation, we uses a mix of stock footage, the company's own content, and cinematic sound design to portray Siemens' epic transition into a digital force uniting various sectors with the Xcelerator platform.

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